Please see FAQ item about data collection issues


Data collection issues

RAMPS collects data every day from Local Authority Planning Portals.
There have been issues in the past collecting data from a group of portals, and as of 23rd January 2024, it has become impossible to collect data from this group.
The portals concerned are:
  • Aberdeen
  • Aberdeenshire
  • Clackmannanshire
  • Dumfries and Galloway
  • Edinburgh
  • Highland
  • Midlothian
  • North Lanarkshire
  • South Ayrshire
This is really annoying, given that RAMPS has been tracking planning applications across almost all Local Authorities in Scotland for over 2 years.
It is hoped that we can resume data collection from these portals at some point, but it might take a bit of time making this happen.
This FAQ item will be updated every month with the current state of play

Update 2024-04-15
Nothing significant to report, but we're still progressing the issue.

Update 2024-02-25
We are actively working to address the data collection issue via a number of different avenues.
We'll update on progress in a month's time, or as soon as there's anything significant to report.


You will not be able to see data after 21st January 2024 for these Local Authorities
You will not be able to see any document for any application in these Local Authorities
If you have signed up for a RAMPS account and have any alerts associated with any of the above Local Authorities, then you will not receive any alert email notifications. When RAMPS is able to collect data again for these Local Authorities, it will compare data from that date with the last date it collected data for that Local Authority. You may start receiving alert email notifications for these Local Authorities from that date.

We are really sorry that we can't provide the service that you've become used to.

Show your support for RAMPS

The more support we get for RAMPS, the more chance we have of keeping it going and helping communities all over Scotland.
If you have found RAMPS useful, please let us know. email

I'm not receiving an email when creating an account

First, check that the email has not gone into your spam folder.
If you've tried a few times and still haven't received an email from RAMPS, then your email provider may be blocking the email.
If you have another email address, you could try using that to create an account.

How does alerting work?

To set up alerts, you need to have an account and be signed in.

To sign in to your account or to create an account, click 'Sign In' and follow the appropriate prompts.

When you use 'Application Search' or 'Area Changes', the results information contains a box stating whether alerts are enabled for the Local Authority you selected. You can enable/disable alerts for this Local Authority by clicking the associated button.

When you click on a planning application link in any of the above results, the application options will contain a box stating whether alerts are enabled for the planning application you selected. You can enable/disable alerts for this application by clicking the associated button.

To see all active alerts, go to 'Alerting'. You can delete any or all alerts from there

All active alerts are processed by RAMPS overnight.

If you enabled an alert for a Local Authority and that Authority had a new application compared to the day before, then you will receive an email with the relevant information

If you enabled an alert for an application and that application had any change compared to the day before, then you will receive an email with the relevant information

A Local Authority alert has the wrong Ward/CC filters

If you want to change the filters on a Local Authority alert, do the following:

In 'Alerting' click on the Local Authority you wish to amend.

This will take you to 'View Changes' for that Local Authority.

Go straight to 'Settings' and change the Ward/CC filters and click 'Apply Changes'

Go to 'View Changes' again and click 'Disable' and then click 'Enable'

What is the source of data used in RAMPS?

All data in RAMPS was published on the associated Local Authority Planning Portal

What do the change categories mean in the 'View Changes' report?

The report shows all changes between a start date and an end date.

Changes are categorised as follows:

'New' applications have a snapshot available on the end date but don't have a snapshot available on the start date or earlier. Typically these applications are ones which have been validated between the start and end dates. They could also be applications which RAMPS has started to monitor between the start and end dates.
'Reappearing' applications have a snapshot available on the end date, don't have a snapshot available on the start date, but have a snapshot available before the start date. This could happen if the applications were not available on the Planning Portal on the start date.
'Changed' applications have a snapshot available on both the start and end date and the snapshots differ.
'Disappearing' applications have a snapshot available on the start date but don't have a snapshot available on the end date. This could happen if RAMPS has stopped monitoring the application between the start and end dates. It could also happen if the applications were not available on the Planning Portal on the end date.

When does RAMPS stop monitoring an application?

RAMPS stops monitoring an application when it believes that there will be no further changes made to that application

Why can't I see information before 2018-07-28?

RAMPS only started collecting information on 2018-07-28

Why is document loading so slow?

Document content is not stored in RAMPS, but retrieved from the Local Authority Planning Portal.
Sometimes this takes a while to complete.

When can I see today's information?

This varies by Local Authority. Today's information could be available later in the evening for some Authorities, but for others, this information may not be available until the early hours of the following day.

Why isn't field 'so-and-so' reported within RAMPS?

RAMPS collects only key information on active applications

Why can't I see information for my Local Authority?

RAMPS collects data for almost all Local Authorities in Scotland; the exceptions are East Lothian and West Dunbartonshire.

East Lothian doesn't show the status of an application, which RAMPS users would expect to see.
West Dunbartonshire has a bespoke planning portal that makes it difficult for RAMPS to monitor application changes.
We hope that RAMPS may be able to incorporate these Local Authorities at a future date