To set up alerts, you need to have an account and be signed in.
To sign in to your account or to create an account, click 'Sign In' and follow the appropriate prompts.
When you use 'Application Search' or 'Area Changes', the results information contains a box stating whether alerts are enabled for the Local Authority you selected. You can enable/disable alerts for this Local Authority by clicking the associated button.
When you click on a planning application link in any of the above results, the application options will contain a box stating whether alerts are enabled for the planning application you selected. You can enable/disable alerts for this application by clicking the associated button.
To see all active alerts, go to 'Alerting'. You can delete any or all alerts from there
All active alerts are processed by RAMPS overnight.
If you enabled an alert for a Local Authority and that Authority had a new application compared to the day before, then you will receive an email with the relevant information
If you enabled an alert for an application and that application had any change compared to the day before, then you will receive an email with the relevant information
If you want to change the filters on a Local Authority alert, do the following:
In 'Alerting' click on the Local Authority you wish to amend.
This will take you to 'View Changes' for that Local Authority.
Go straight to 'Settings' and change the Ward/CC filters and click 'Apply Changes'
Go to 'View Changes' again and click 'Disable' and then click 'Enable'
Unfortunately, Na h-Eileanan Siar suffered a cyber attack in November 2023 and are still offering a temporary solution for viewing planning applications.
We hope that RAMPS may be able to incorporate this Local Authority at a future date